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Receipts 1 4 8 – Enhance Your Incoming Invoice Management

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  • PDF Invoices for Easy Digital Downloads provides a complete system for generating invoices for all customers. It allows you and yours customers to download invoices of any purchases in a nice and easy way. This add-on is a huge asset for your website and allows you to tailor invoices for your websites with the customizable.
  • Free Download Receipts 1.4.5 – Enhance your incoming invoice management. Receipts enhances your incoming invoice management. Features Recognize: Receipts recognizes gross invoice amount, slip date, declared sales tax, currency, and bank account details automatically and, thus.
  1. Receipts 1 4 8 – Enhance Your Incoming Invoice Management Training
  2. Receipts 1 4 8 – Enhance Your Incoming Invoice Management Software

The automation of invoice management translates into fewer problems and more action ..

Our solution allows a scanner or mobile device to convert the image contained in a paper document into a digital image certified by the Tax Agency (AEAT).

Incoming Invoices at Shared Service Centres 1. Incoming Invoices at Shared Service Centers Applies to: Business Process Expert, Business Process Management, Business Rules Management, SAP Business Workflow. For more information, visit the Business Process Expert homepage.

Step 3

Approve / analyze / classify or deny invoices

Receipts 1 4 8 – Enhance Your Incoming Invoice Management Training

Automatic registration in your ERP (SAP or others).

  • Reduction of administrative work thanks to automation
  • Reduction of costs related to paper processing and storage.
  • Easy access and quick search thanks to the document manager Doku4Documents Link to the page
  • Streamlining the approval process of the Invoices.
  • Reduction of costs related to additional licenses of the ERP system.
  • Software approved by AEAT
  • Customizable processes depending on each organization.
  • Text recognition and automation of OCR indexing
  • Workflow fully customizable through the Workflow engine.
  • Integration of the internal and external systems of the company (ERP, EDI, Active Directory)

the lack of visibility that occurs when manually processing invoices using an automatic solution that will improve their internal processes and their relationship with suppliers.

Dokuflex invoice processing software automates the process of digitizing, interpreting and archiving invoice data. No matter the volume of invoices of your organization, whether on paper or in any electronic format, the software intelligently extracts important information and validates it according to a set of predefined rules. To simplify the configuration, Dokuflex offers numerous specific profiles for each country, programmed with specific criteria of the country such as VAT rates, date formats and currency codes. It is an easy to install and ready to use solution that can be adapted to your business requirements

Supplier invoice processing can start immediately
Regardless of whether they arrive on paper, by fax or attached to emails, and regardless of the design of the invoice, incoming invoices can be sent for approval in a matter of minutes. The software manages the introduction and validation of data so that the accounting staff only has to intervene when a problem needs to be solved.

There is no overly complex bill that prevents your payment on time

Invoice automation initiates the purchase cycle to be paid. Instead of your accounting department having to deal with overwhelming amounts of paper or electronic files coming from various sources, it will only have to manage the most important thing: the information.

The information captured from the invoice, including bar codes, stamps and other provider-specific information, is classified.
The classified information is validated by comparing it with the purchase order, the delivery receipt of merchandise or the data of the supplier master.
An automatic check of the amounts in the invoice, the supplier's data, the dates, the amount of taxes, etc. is also carried out.

The discrepancies and the missing information is marked so that the user verifies it.
Objections are sent to an automatic workflow for resolution
Invoices without incidents continue in the posting process.
The images of all the invoices and the state they are in are always available throughout the process.

Accurate invoice processing in less time and with fewer resources
No bills are lost or paid twice
Possibility of taking advantage of the discount for prompt payment of the suppliers
Permanent visibility of invoices status

It is the process that allows, through a scanner or mobile device, to convert the image contained in a paper document into a digital image, coded according to some of the standard formats of common use and with a level of resolution admitted by the Tax Agency ( AEAT).
Any company can choose between the physical and the digital file provided that the digitalization is done according to some requirements and with a solution certified by the AEAT. In this last case the electronic file will have absolute legal validity.
The Tax Agency has approved the Doku4Invoices solution for the automatic management of invoices considering that it meets all the requirements set forth in the Resolution of October 24, 2007 on the procedure for the approval of digitization software.

Accounts payable controls are used to mitigate the risk of losses in the payables function. Payables controls are aggregated into three general categories, which are verifying the obligation of the business to pay, entering the payables data into the computer system, and paying suppliers. The controls are as follows:

Obligation to Pay Controls

The verification of obligation to pay can be accomplished through one of several possible controls. They are:

Receipts 1 4 8 – Enhance Your Incoming Invoice Management Software

  • Invoice approval. The person in a position to authorize payment signifies his or her approval of a supplier invoice. However, this is actually a relatively weak control if the approver only sees the supplier invoice, since there is no way to tell if the goods or services were received, or if the prices being charged were what the company originally agreed to. The approver may also want to know which general ledger account will be charged. Consequently, it is better to have the payables staff first assemble the supplier invoice, authorizing purchase order, and receiving documentation into a packet, and then stamp the invoice with a signature block that includes the account number to be charged, and then have the approver review it. This approach gives reviewers a very complete set of information to work with.

  • Purchase order approval. The purchasing department issues a purchase order for every purchase made. By doing so, the purchasing staff is, in essence, approving all expenditures before they have been made, which may prevent some expenditures from ever occurring. Since this control entails a considerable amount of work by the purchasing staff, they will likely ask employees to request items on a formal purchase requisition form.

  • Complete a three-way match. The payables staff matches the supplier invoice to the related purchase order and proof of receipt before authorizing payment. This approach supersedes the need for individual invoice approval, since approval is based on the purchase order instead. It is also better than approving only based on the purchase order, since it also verifies receipt of the goods. However, it is also painfully slow and can break down if there is missing paperwork.

  • Manual duplicate payment search. A computerized payables system conducts an automatic search for duplicate invoice numbers. This is a much more difficult endeavor in an entirely manual accounting system. In this case, the payables clerk can search through the vendor file and unpaid invoices file to see if an invoice just received from a supplier has already been paid. In many situations, the volume of incoming supplier invoices makes this so difficult that the payable staff abandons any attempt to identify duplicate invoices, and simply accepts that it will occasionally pay for such items.

Data Entry Controls


There are several ways to ensure that all supplier invoices have been entered in the accounts payable system, though these controls have varying degrees of success. The controls are:

  • Record after approval. This control forces the accounts payable staff to verify the approval of every invoice before entering it into the system.

  • Record prior to approval. This control places greater priority on paying suppliers than it does on obtaining authorizations to pay, since every invoice received is recorded in the payables system at once. This control works best where purchase orders have already been used to authorize a purchase.

  • Adopt an invoice numbering guideline. Perhaps the largest problem in the area of payables data entry is duplicate payments. This would not appear to be a problem, since most companies use accounting software that automatically detects duplicate invoices and prevents duplicate payments. However, there can be inconsistency in how invoice numbers are recorded. For example, do you record invoice number 0000078234 with the leading zeros or without them? If the same invoice is presented to the payables staff twice, and it is recorded as 0000078234 one time and 78234 the next time, the system will not flag them as being duplicate invoices. The same problem arises with dashes in an invoice number; an invoice number of 1234-999 could be recorded as 1234-999 or as 1234999.

  • Match to budget in financial statements. If a supplier invoice was incorrectly charged to the wrong department, it is possible that a department manager perusing the financial statements would detect a disparity between the amount charged and the budget, and so would bring the issue to the attention of the accounting department.

Payment Controls

The bulk of the controls noted below pertain to payment by check, since that is still the predominant form of payment. The controls are:

  • Split check printing and signing. One person should prepare checks, and a different person should sign them. By doing so, there is a cross-check on the issuance of cash.

  • Store all checks in a locked location. Unused check stock should always be stored in a locked location. Otherwise, checks can be stolen and fraudulently filled out and cashed. This means that any signature plates or stamps should also be stored in a locked location.

  • Track the sequence of check numbers used. Maintain a log in which are listed the range of check numbers used during a check run. This is useful for determining if any checks in storage might be missing. This log should not be kept with the stored checks, since someone could steal the log at the same time they steal checks.

  • Require manual check signing. A company can require that all checks be signed. This is actually a relatively weak control, since few check signers delve into why checks are being issued, and rarely question the amounts paid. If a company chooses to use a signature plate or stamp instead, then it is much more important to have a strong purchase order system; the purchasing staff becomes the de facto approvers of invoices by issuing purchase orders earlier in the payables process flow.

  • Require an additional check signer. If the amount of a check exceeds a certain amount, require a second check signer. This control supposedly gives multiple senior-level people the chance to stop making a payment. In reality, it is more likely to only introduce another step into the payment process without really strengthening the control environment.

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