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Hazel 3 3 6

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  1. Hazel 33 Davao
  2. 3/3 Marines
  3. 3.3 Naruto

Hazel is a 16-year-old girl with cancer, which she calls a 'side effect of dying' (p.3). Another side effect of dying, according to Hazel, is her depression, and though she sees this as normal and incurable, her mother talks to one of her many doctors and gets her set up with antidepressants and a regularly meeting support group for youths with cancer. Hazel tells the reader about herself and her diagnosis through her interactions at Support Group - she introduces herself each meeting along with the fact that she has thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs, always saying that she's 'okay.' She doesn't like anyone in the group, including the leader Patrick who once had testicular cancer, besides a teenage boy named Isaac who lost his eye to cancer and may be losing another.

One week not too long after joining the support group, Hazel attends one week - pausing to explain to the reader that she must take certain supporting technologies with her everywhere, namely an oxygen tank attached to a cannula that delivers oxygen directly to her nostrils - to find a hot boy, new to the group, staring at her. He is Isaac's friend, introduced to the group as Augustus, and Hazel decides not to be threatened by his stare but to stare back at him until he looks away first. She succeeds, and when Patrick asks Augustus for his diagnosis (osteosarcoma a year and a half before) and about his fears (to which Augustus responds 'oblivion' (p.12)), Hazel makes a speech about lack of meaning to which Augustus responds 'Goddamn..aren't you something else' (p.13).

Hazel 3.3.6 – Create rules for organizing and cleaning folders. Hazel is your personal housekeeper, organizing and cleaning folders based on rules you define. Hazel can also manage your trash and uninstall your applications. Hazel Pattern Bundle - All 3 Hazel Versions. The Hazel Pattern Bundle includes: V3 The Hazel walking skirt - an A-line skirt at a midi length, comfortable for all occasions. All Hazel versions sit at high waist. The Hazels have a 0% ease in the waist and can be made in twills, corduroy, and denims with 10-20% stretch. October 5, 1961. ( 1961-10-05) Hazel retains her nephew Leroy ( Wright King) the lawyer to make out her will, but an earlier accident leads George to think that she plans to sue him. 'Hazel Plays Nurse'. William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick. October 12, 1961.

After Support Group, Isaac, Augustus, and Hazel talk together. When Isaac leaves, Augustus and Hazel continue talking; he calls her beautiful and compares her to Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta. He invites her over to his house to watch the movie, which she doesn't immediately accept. They walk outside, Hazel noticing his prosthetic leg, and share mutual disgust over Isaac and his girlfriend Monica making out aggressively against the church wall. Augustus takes out a cigarette and Hazel is immediately enraged, calling it is hamartia or fatal flaw and berating him with disappointment. Augustus explains that he never lights them, only enjoying them for the feeling of putting something that could kill him between his lips but not giving it the power to do so. Intrigued, Hazel tells her mom (who has come to get her) that she will be watching a movie with Augustus.

Augustus drives Hazel to his house - a bumpy and terrifying ride because of his prosthetic leg. He and Hazel discuss 'Cancer Perks' - items and allowances that young people with cancer get because of people's pity or sympathy for them. He asks Hazel about her story with cancer, and we learn more about Hazel's journey over the past three years. She had surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, but her tumors continued to grow and her lungs started to fill with liquid. At one point, her 'miracle,' her lungs were very full and she had pneumonia that wasn't responding to antibiotics and her doctors and parents thought she would definitely die then. However, her 'Cancer Doctor,' Dr. Maria, was able to get fluid out of her lungs and put her on a new cancer drug called Phalanxifor, which shrank her tumors. Hazel is now able to live at home and take classes at community college, though is still saddled with her oxygen tank, medical check-ups, and fatigue since the cancer is not gone but only kept at bay.

Play the Cutest Baby Games Online with Baby Hazel and get entertain for hours. Join us now in this Baby games and we assure you that you won't get bored while playing this amazing games because we include more than 300 Baby Games for girls and in that there are games like Baby Learning Games, Cooking Baby Games, Grooming Baby Games, Kids Games, Preshool Baby Games, Party Baby Games, Pet Games. May Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels. Nuts, like almonds and walnuts, have been shown to help reduce blood sugar levels (33, 34, 35). Although not abundant, there is research that hazelnuts may.

Hazel meets Augustus's parents and Augustus tells them that they will be watching a movie downstairs, to which his parents respond that they will be watching the movie in the living room. Augustus does manage to show her downstairs, and down there they discuss his prior basketball prowess, as evidenced by a collection of trophies. He tells her that just before he had his leg amputated he decided that games like that are silly and pointless when you think about them more critically. He asks her about her life outside of cancer and they talk about poetry and literature. Hazel decides to tell him about her favorite book, An Imperial Affliction, and he says that he'll read it if she'll read his favorite, The Price of Dawn. They watch V for Vendetta in Augustus's living room, which is adorned with 'Encouragements' such as 'Without pain, how could we know joy?' (P.35.) Augustus drives her home and asks to see her again, to which she replies that she'll call him when she finishes his book, knowing his phone number will be written inside it.

Hazel stays up late reading his book; her mom, who usually lets her sleep in because 'sleep fights cancer' (p.38) wakes her up to get her excited about her half-birthday (Hazel's mother, who has stopped working to care for Hazel full-time tries to keep their lives happy and exciting by celebrating holidays with pizzazz). She encourages Hazel to contact her friend Kaitlyn and they make plans. After class, Hazel's mom drives her to the mall where she buys the two sequels to Augustus's book and then meets Kaitlyn. They shop for shoes together, though the situations is made awkward when Kaitlyn blanches after making a joke relating to death, though Hazel downplays it lightly with a joke of her own. Hazel soon craves alone time and pleads tiredness to end her time with Kaitlyn, retreating to a quiet part of the mall to read her new books. While reading, a little girl approaches Hazel who asks questions about her cannula; though the little girls mother calls to her disapprovingly, Hazel likes the little girl and the encounter.

Hazel 33 Davao

Before bed that night, Hazel begins to re-read An Imperial Affliction yet again. The book is about a young girl named Anna who has cancer but instead of starting a charity for cancer creates one for finding a cure for cholera. The book ends in the middle of a sentence, which Hazel understands as an artistic choice to demonstrate the abruptness of death or illness worsening, but still wishes to know the end to. However, the book's author Peter Van Houten has since moved from America to Amsterdam and lives seemingly reclusively, having produced no further literary work. Hazel calls Augustus and they talk briefly, but she flirtatiously tells him that he can't see her until he finishes the book. The next day, after class and a movie with her mom, Hazel sees she has received a lot of messages from Augustus despairing about the non-ending of the book. She calls him and hears noises in the background 'like the death cry of some injured animal' which turn out to be coming from Isaac. Augustus invites her over to his house to visit both of them.

Isaac and Augustus are playing the video game version of The Price of Dawn, but Isaac is crying heavily. His girlfriend Monica, who so often repeated their word 'always' back to him, has broken up with him before rather than after his eye operation after which he will be completely blind. Isaac becomes unsatisfied getting out his rage through the video game and turns to destroying Augustus's room; Augustus allows him to destroy his entire basketball trophy collection after which Isaac says he does not feel better but evidently has gotten the anger out of his system for the time being.

After this 'Night of Broken Trophies,' Hazel does not hear from Augustus for about a week. She becomes worried, and after a quick dinner one night she calls him. Augustus says he's been waiting to call her until he has collected his thoughts about An Imperial Affliction. He talks to her about the book and its author briefly, lingering on the fact that he is apparently unreachable. Augustus then reveals that he has reached him, through his assistant, and gotten a full email from him. Hazel is flabbergasted, thinking this is the 'best gift ever,' and writes her own email to send to Peter Van Houten with her questions about what happens after the end of the book. After writing the email, she calls Augustus back and they talk at length. They transition from talking about books to talking about kissing, and Augustus reveals that he previously had a girlfriend who died. They decide they have to get off the phone, but not before establishing a word like a more guarded version of Isaac and Monica's 'always' - 'okay' (p.73).

A few days later, Hazel receives a text from Augustus saying that Isaac is now blind but NEC (no evidence of cancer). Hazel drives to see Isaac at the hospital where they talk about Monica not having visited him and about the qualities of good and bad nurses. She buys him flowers, leaving them with his mom.

The next morning, Hazel finds an email reply from Peter Van Houten saying that he does not trust any form of technological communication to transmit what happens after the story ends, but that if she ever finds herself in Amsterdam she should visit him. She tells the news to her mom, who seems tentatively willing to help her go, but realizing their money situation Hazel says that she will find a way to go to Amsterdam without her parents having to pay. She calls Augustus and they talk about The Genie Foundation, which gives children with cancer each a 'Wish,' though Hazel admits that she used hers to go to Disney World when she was 13.

That weekend, Hazel and her parents go to the farmers' market and while there Hazel gets a call from Gus saying that he will be waiting at her house when she gets back. He brings her bright orange flowers and asks her parents to take her on a secret date. He takes her to the sculpture garden behind the art museum where a large skeleton sculpture called Funky Bones is on display. He reveals that this sculpture is by a Dutch artist, that the jersey he is wearing as a Dutch basketball player, and that orange - the color of her flowers along with all of the food he has brought for a picnic - is the national color of the Netherlands. He gives a speech to her, witty and sweet yet not allowing for actual conversation, revealing that he has made it his 'Wish' to take her to Amsterdam to meet Peter Van Houten. They almost kiss, but Hazel flinches at the last moment and the chapter ends with her simply telling him that he's the best.


Hazel begins the story with a description of her lack of agency - told by her mother that she has depression, forced to go to Support Group and then to speak there, even given depression and cancer itself by the fact of death. Though lack of agency is a main theme in the book, it does not mean that Hazel and the characters do not do anything. Green writes a complex enough character that Hazel keeps an active life seeing friends, taking classes, and spending time with her family, and caring about books and television shows even though it is clear that she sometimes feels forced into these actions when they seem pointless in the larger scheme of life.

In quick succession, the reader is shown Hazel's relationships with her mother, Kaitlyn, Augustus, and a brief encounter with the young girl at the mall. These relationships demonstrate the difficulty of love and friendship for someone with an illness or hardship. To have a relationship, one must - like the little girl and unlike Kaitlyn - not be so afraid of offending the person that you shy away from making a real connection with them or validating and taking interest in their feelings. However, what Augustus and Hazel's mother are able to do is recognize and care about her cancer but also look past it to her interests and happiness.

The parallel romance story of Isaac and Monica, over almost as quickly as it is introduced, ironically foils the relationship that develops between Hazel and Augustus. Isaac and Monica seem unafraid of getting hurt, Isaac believing that true love will allow them to persevere, and is unprepared when the blow comes rather than the perhaps over-preparation Hazel attempts, as will be shown further in the coming chapters. Hazel, demonstrating an incredible ability to empathize, understands both Isaac and Monica's points of view, telling Isaac that is wasn't nice to or for her either, his having cancer and losing his eyes. This shock of reality does not heal Isaac's wounds, but it gives perspective to both him and the reader on the lack of antagonist and antagonism Hazel sees in characters and in cancer itself.

Three characters' parents are shown in the book - Hazel's mother and father, Augustus's mother and father, and Isaac's mother. The parents as a group are fairly homogeneous, with none of them divorced or in financial duress, perhaps one thing overlooked by Green in his focus on portraying the lives of teens coping with illness or potentially simply a representation of the parents of children who would end up receiving care in similar areas and choosing to spend time together. Hazel and Augustus's parents are lightly contrasted, with Augustus's relying more on religion and faith in pleasant sayings. Parents are quite important to the story, however, as one of Hazel's main concerns is not hurting her parents further financially while living or emotionally when she dies.

An Imperial Affliction is in parallel to The Fault in Our Stars as books about cancer but not 'cancer-books' in that they do not over-glorify the fight against cancer or show a martyred young cancer-sufferer who founds a charity. Instead, both books deal honestly with a young girl who has cancer and is looking to live life apart from only having cancer and potentially do some good. This parallel will be important later when looking at the connection between a book and its author and subject (in relation to Green's own writing of this book). Hazel and Augustus's reactions to the end of the book are also symbolic, with Hazel wanting desperately what happens after the book ends in a way that defies her knowledge of the book as a work of art and literature and betrays her youthful desire for answers and perhaps meaning after life.

Taking orders for 2017 shipment! See the blog for any updates.

Our NeoHybrid Hazelnuts are multi-generation hybrids from crosses between wild American hazels, wild beaked hazels, and European hazels. Badgersett's breeding work with these plants started in 1978, and our most advanced hybrids are now 5 and 6 generations beyond the species F1s. They are bushes, not trees. All plants sold are seedlings, so performance will vary. In other words, some seedlings of 'Large' parents will bear smaller nuts, and some will bear larger. About 60% of seedlings strongly resemble the female parent. Yes, that's unusually high, but the observation comes from other researchers also.

These hazel bushes are generally 10–15 feet tall and 6–10 feet across at maturity. If neglected or stressed, they are likely to grow slowly for the first 1–3 years or longer while they are putting down deep roots. Rows should be spaced a minimum of 10 feet apart for machine harvest, and alternating spacings of about 12 and 16-18 are recommended for hand harvest. For best production plant 3 feet apart within the row, then thin and transplant to fill holes around years 5-8.

These bushes are absolutely cold hardy to Zone 4. Spring freezes will not affect the crop. We have many growers reporting success in zone 3, but commercial cropping there is still experimental.

Unless designated as Experimental, our hazels carry a lifetime replacement guarantee for any that ever die of Eastern Filbert Blight (EFB) (read our guarantee in detail). No one has yet requested any replacements under this guarantee- they're that EFB resistant.

Detailed planting and care instructions for your tubelings will be shipped with your order. Click here to read up on the instructions now.

Looking for something to eat? Visit our food nut order page.
For more detailed information, see the Hazel Info Pages, and for some quick answers check out the FAQ.

Catalog Table of Contents:

We take e-mail orders and accept secure online payment with credit/debit card through PayPal. See Ordering for details on how to place your order!

We take orders for plants up to 12 months in advance of desired shipping.

Prices are subject to change. All prices are honored according to the prices that are listed here at the time your order is placed. We will not increase your prices after you've made your order.

Kingdom hearts 2 ultima weapon plus. Because of limited availability, we cannot guarantee to fill all orders. See Additional Information.

Since our catalog is getting more options with our most recent research developments, here are some guidelines for a few kinds of plantings with specific goals. If you don't have very specific goals, or want a few to learn with, we suggest 'Standard'! Keep in mind that a LOT more detailed information is available at the Short Course or on the Short Course DVDs.

For the Highest Production of kernel per acre, for bulk sale and processing, we suggest a mixture of Machine Picked, Just Plain, possibly some Medium and/or Large hazels, and a few Xtra Large because small production or no, people are impressed by big nuts. At least 15% Experimental or Machine Picked is recommended, and up to 50% or more depending on how agressive your culling will be.

For Local Human-Consumption Markets, same suggestions as for highest production above, possibly with a higher percentage of Large (including Experimental and Machine-Picked Large).

For Pick-Your-Own we recommend mostly Large, Medium and Xtra Large, about 30% or so Experimental. You may want to avoid Machine-Picked-Early material except where early ripeness is specifically desired, since those plants are most likely to drop the nuts off the bush before the people get there.

About Select Material. In many cases we suggest Select material if it is available and your budget allows. The parents of our Select tubelings have the best track records and most desirable characteristics of the over 1,600 individual plants in our database. Keep in mind, however that we have a backlog of harvest data not yet in the database, and there are more than a few plants currently tagged as 'Experimental' that will be upgraded to 'Select' as the databases are updated. Additionally, more than a few of these plants will no longer be called 'Experimental' as their harvest data reaches the database. SO- we suggest allowing substitutions, particularly of 'Experimental', for at least part of your 'Select' order.

About Machine-Picked Material. 2013 marked the third year that we've harvested nuts for both eating and seed by machine (see the 2011 machine harvest video for some details on initial results). Macbook pro retina camera quality. It's clear: this works well enough that machine harvest with this style of picker is definitely going to be a major direction for industry development. Also, in most cases it is already substantially less work to harvest by machine, even in our patchy research-oriented plantings.
For these reasons, we have integrated machine picked seed into most of our hazel seedling offerings. How to save doc as pdf. In the detailed catalog below you will find several specific kinds of machine picked seed, as well as indications for which tubeling types still come entirely from hand-picked seed. Medium and Large Nut Hazels may now contain some machine picked seed, from rows with sufficiently good and consistent performance that we are classifying the entire row as a particular class of parent plant. Currently all such rows are at Badgersett Farm 1 in Minnesota, but this may change with the 2014 harvest.

NeoHybrid Hazelnut Tubelings

Please see What is a Tubeling? if you are not familiar with this term. These plants are seedlings, classified based on characteristics of the female parent and, for older parents, known progeny performance. In our experience, about 60% of seedlings strongly resemble the female parent, the remainder being various kinds of better and worse.

Special Offerings

ST-Haz Standard Hazels1–10: $6.25 ea 11–100: $5.00 ea
101–1,000: $3.75 ea >1,000: $3.15 ea

Since we're a research operation, we offer a wide selection of hazel seedling types, and it can get confusing! Order our 'Standard Hazels' and we'll send you what we've got. Availability and shipment on your requested date are most likely with this selection! A good deal for test plantings, and can be the right choice for part of your production plan as well. These are most likely to be Machine Picked or Experimental Mediums and Larges, and least likely to be Wildlife or Select material. Breeding IDs not available.

MP-Haz Machine Picked Hazels1–10: $7.00 ea 11–100: $5.60 ea
101–1,000: $4.20 ea >1,000: $3.50 ea

Only available from Badgersett! These plants are grown from nuts picked by machine, so they are more likely to be easily machinable themselves. This seed is graded for size, keeping the larger nuts. Most likely to be from parents in our latest breeding cycles, since those are the plantings with the greatest numbers of machine-ready bushes. Breeding IDs not available.

Selected Machine Picked Hazels (see below for product code)1–10: $7.50 ea 11–100: $6.00 ea
101–1,000: $4.50 ea >1,000: $3.75 ea

Take your pick of Early or Late harvest, Badgersett Farm or Illinois field origin. Differences between 'Early' and 'Late' are mostly genetic; very few 'Late' nuts will have come off of the same parent bushes as 'Early' nuts.


  • Early: First machine picking of the year. Advantages: these are nuts that came off the bushes at the first picking, before most pests have time to get to them, and early enough to beat most of the market. Disadvantages: In our experience so far, about 15-20% of these nuts were unripe at harvest, and therefore husking at harvest time involved losing or handling separately this harvest fraction. If you intend to keep, cure and dry your nuts in-husk for a week or two following harvest, this is a very small issue.

  • Late: Last machine picking of the year. Advantages: these nuts stayed on the bushes until the harvester made it for the last pass, then came off. They were not dropped in the wind or stolen by nut predators. In our experience, these have nearly all been ready for immediate husking when harvested late, requiring less post-harvest storage and paving the way for the picker-husker combine we've got on the drawing board. Disadvantages: These nuts did NOT come off at the early harvest, and so were either unripe or just not coming off at that point; beating the market is less likely with these plants

  • Badgersett Farm 1: Includes seed from selected rows of female parents at Badgersett Farm 1 in SE Minnesota, with a wider selection of both female and pollen parent genetics. Advantages: Greater genetic diversity should allow for adaptation of your planting over a broader range of soil, climate, and pest conditions. A few more advanced breeding lines are in this mix, as well as our time-tested older plants. Disadvantages: This greater diversity might result in a higher needed cull rate for a particular level of field performance, and is likely to result in a broader range of harvest and nut characteristics.

  • Badgersett Illinois Farm: includes seed from our expansion farm in Illinois, with a fairly advanced but much more restricted gene pool. Advantages: Both female and pollen parents are all Class 3 breeding material, subjected to full selection up to that point. No pollen from the broader base of diversity in this cloud, and very little from local wild material. This should have a substantially more uniform performance than the material from Farm 1. Disadvantages: the more narrow genetic base may make this group less adaptable to conditions differing substantially from northern Illinois. Also, these plants are overall younger than those at Farm 1, and there is a slightly higher percentage of them which are duds that haven't petered out yet. None of these parents has yet been through a coppice cycle.

Product codes for Selected Machine Picked Hazels (all prices are the same, listed above).

  • MP-BE-Haz : Badgersett Farm 1, Early Must accept substitutions.
  • MP-BL-Haz : Badgersett Farm 1, Late Must accept substitutions.
  • MP-IE-Haz : Illinois Farm, Early Must accept substitutions.
  • MP-IL-Haz : Illinois Farm, Late Must accept substitutions.

Regular Guaranteed Hazels

Parents of these plants meet all our criteria for plant health and crop performance. Most of these seedlings are from parent plants with six years or more of production records in our database. Lifetime replacement guarantee for any that ever die of Eastern Filbert Blight (EFB). Available in the following classes of nut size:

W-Haz Wildlife Hazels1–10: $6.50 ea 11–100: $5.20 ea
101–1,000: $3.90 ea >1,000: $3.25 ea

Our Wildlife parent bushes bear nuts that are actually smaller than wild American hazelnuts and with thinner shells. Seedlings are from healthy bushes with large crops more reliable than wild hazels. The nuts are small enough to serve as food for quail, in addition to pheasant, grouse, turkey, chipmunks, squirrels, and everything else under the sun, up to and including bears. First-rate wildlife cover and wildlife food crop. These plants also make excellent snow fence or windbreak. A bargain! All wildlife seed for 2013 tubelings was picked by hand.

M-Haz Medium Nut Hazels1–10: $7.25 ea 11–100: $5.80 ea
101–1,000: $4.35 ea >1,000: $3.65 ea

These are usually more productive than other nut sizes; you're likely to get the most kernel production per acre from Mediums. The nuts can be small for the in-shell market but easily large enough for processing or marketing as cleaned nutmeats. May contain machine-picked material. For hand-picked seed, see below:

M-HP-Haz Medium Nut Hazels1–10: $7.75 ea 11–100: $6.20 ea
101–1,000: $4.65 ea >1,000: $3.90 ea

These are usually more productive than other nut sizes; you're likely to get the most kernel production per acre from Mediums. The nuts can be small for the in-shell market but easily large enough for processing or marketing as cleaned nutmeats. These tubelings are from hand-picked seed only.

L-Haz Large Nut Hazels1–10: $8.50 ea 11–100: $6.80 ea
101–1,000: $5.10 ea >1,000: $4.25 ea

These plants do not produce nuts as large as the big Oregon hazelnuts, but they're big enough to sell in-shell. Some can be as productive as Mediums. Supply is limited! May contain machine-picked material. For hand-picked seed, see below:

L-HP-Haz Large Nut Hazels1–10: $8.85 ea 11–100: $7.00 ea
101–1,000: $5.30 ea >1,000: $4.40 ea

3^-3 as a fraction

  • Early: First machine picking of the year. Advantages: these are nuts that came off the bushes at the first picking, before most pests have time to get to them, and early enough to beat most of the market. Disadvantages: In our experience so far, about 15-20% of these nuts were unripe at harvest, and therefore husking at harvest time involved losing or handling separately this harvest fraction. If you intend to keep, cure and dry your nuts in-husk for a week or two following harvest, this is a very small issue.

  • Late: Last machine picking of the year. Advantages: these nuts stayed on the bushes until the harvester made it for the last pass, then came off. They were not dropped in the wind or stolen by nut predators. In our experience, these have nearly all been ready for immediate husking when harvested late, requiring less post-harvest storage and paving the way for the picker-husker combine we've got on the drawing board. Disadvantages: These nuts did NOT come off at the early harvest, and so were either unripe or just not coming off at that point; beating the market is less likely with these plants

  • Badgersett Farm 1: Includes seed from selected rows of female parents at Badgersett Farm 1 in SE Minnesota, with a wider selection of both female and pollen parent genetics. Advantages: Greater genetic diversity should allow for adaptation of your planting over a broader range of soil, climate, and pest conditions. A few more advanced breeding lines are in this mix, as well as our time-tested older plants. Disadvantages: This greater diversity might result in a higher needed cull rate for a particular level of field performance, and is likely to result in a broader range of harvest and nut characteristics.

  • Badgersett Illinois Farm: includes seed from our expansion farm in Illinois, with a fairly advanced but much more restricted gene pool. Advantages: Both female and pollen parents are all Class 3 breeding material, subjected to full selection up to that point. No pollen from the broader base of diversity in this cloud, and very little from local wild material. This should have a substantially more uniform performance than the material from Farm 1. Disadvantages: the more narrow genetic base may make this group less adaptable to conditions differing substantially from northern Illinois. Also, these plants are overall younger than those at Farm 1, and there is a slightly higher percentage of them which are duds that haven't petered out yet. None of these parents has yet been through a coppice cycle.

Product codes for Selected Machine Picked Hazels (all prices are the same, listed above).

  • MP-BE-Haz : Badgersett Farm 1, Early Must accept substitutions.
  • MP-BL-Haz : Badgersett Farm 1, Late Must accept substitutions.
  • MP-IE-Haz : Illinois Farm, Early Must accept substitutions.
  • MP-IL-Haz : Illinois Farm, Late Must accept substitutions.

Regular Guaranteed Hazels

Parents of these plants meet all our criteria for plant health and crop performance. Most of these seedlings are from parent plants with six years or more of production records in our database. Lifetime replacement guarantee for any that ever die of Eastern Filbert Blight (EFB). Available in the following classes of nut size:

W-Haz Wildlife Hazels1–10: $6.50 ea 11–100: $5.20 ea
101–1,000: $3.90 ea >1,000: $3.25 ea

Our Wildlife parent bushes bear nuts that are actually smaller than wild American hazelnuts and with thinner shells. Seedlings are from healthy bushes with large crops more reliable than wild hazels. The nuts are small enough to serve as food for quail, in addition to pheasant, grouse, turkey, chipmunks, squirrels, and everything else under the sun, up to and including bears. First-rate wildlife cover and wildlife food crop. These plants also make excellent snow fence or windbreak. A bargain! All wildlife seed for 2013 tubelings was picked by hand.

M-Haz Medium Nut Hazels1–10: $7.25 ea 11–100: $5.80 ea
101–1,000: $4.35 ea >1,000: $3.65 ea

These are usually more productive than other nut sizes; you're likely to get the most kernel production per acre from Mediums. The nuts can be small for the in-shell market but easily large enough for processing or marketing as cleaned nutmeats. May contain machine-picked material. For hand-picked seed, see below:

M-HP-Haz Medium Nut Hazels1–10: $7.75 ea 11–100: $6.20 ea
101–1,000: $4.65 ea >1,000: $3.90 ea

These are usually more productive than other nut sizes; you're likely to get the most kernel production per acre from Mediums. The nuts can be small for the in-shell market but easily large enough for processing or marketing as cleaned nutmeats. These tubelings are from hand-picked seed only.

L-Haz Large Nut Hazels1–10: $8.50 ea 11–100: $6.80 ea
101–1,000: $5.10 ea >1,000: $4.25 ea

These plants do not produce nuts as large as the big Oregon hazelnuts, but they're big enough to sell in-shell. Some can be as productive as Mediums. Supply is limited! May contain machine-picked material. For hand-picked seed, see below:

L-HP-Haz Large Nut Hazels1–10: $8.85 ea 11–100: $7.00 ea
101–1,000: $5.30 ea >1,000: $4.40 ea

These plants do not produce nuts as large as the big Oregon hazelnuts, but they're big enough to sell in-shell. Some can be as productive as Mediums. Supply is limited! These tubelings are from hand-picked seed only.

XL-Haz Xtra Large Nut Hazels1–10: $9.50 ea 11–100: $7.60 ea
101–1,000: $5.70 ea >1,000: $4.75 ea

These plants produce the largest nuts—some as large as the big Oregon hazels—of any guaranteed plants we now have available. Good to have a couple in your planting for show, because people are impressed by big nuts. Tend to be less productive than Larges and Mediums, though. Supply is very limited! Please read the article Does Size Matter? before ordering!

Select-Parent Guaranteed Hazels

Select parents available will differ from year to year, but these are our very best plants and best parents. The seed for these tubelings is from plants with the longest consistant records; highest, most reliable production; and best nuts. Some parents are designated Select due to one or two particularly outstanding characteristics, and we have started designating a few Select parents due to particularly consistent good performance of their seedlings in field trials. Lifetime replacement guarantee for any that ever die of Eastern Filbert Blight (EFB). Availability is always limited. All Select seed picked by hand until further notice.

W-S-Haz Wildlife Select Hazels1–10: $8.20 ea 11–100: $6.55 ea
>100: $5.25 ea

Tubelings from parents with Wildlife characteristics, which may have exceedingly heavy crops, very thin shells, or stick on the bush even after full ripeness (keeping the food available for more species for a longer time).

M-S-Haz Medium Nut Select Hazels1–10: $9.45 ea 11–100: $7.55 ea
>100: $6.05 ea

These are often our most productive plants.

L-S-Haz Large Nut Select Hazels1–10: $11.05 ea 11–100: $8.85 ea
>100: $6.65 ea

These are our best, most productive Large Nut parents. They do not produce nuts as large as the big Oregon hazelnuts, but they're big enough to sell in-shell.

XL-S-Haz Xtra Large Nut Select Hazels1–10: $12.35 ea 11–100: $9.90 ea
>100: $7.40 ea

These are our best, most productive Xtra Large Nut parents and produce the largest nuts, some as large as the big Oregon hazels. Please read the article Does Size Matter? before ordering!

Please be aware, we have extremely few XL-S parents; we recommend accepting substitutions, ordering Experimental XL or Experimental-Select, or ordering MORE than 12 months in advance.

Experimental Hybrid Hazels

Things 3 6 – elegant personal task management. Basically, the hazels above (our 'Guaranteed' Hazels) are our workhorses, and these Experimental Hazels are racehorse mamas crossed to a workhorse papa, which makes them plants that are interesting but somewhat unpredictable. Although these are not covered by our lifetime EFB replacement guarantee, now most of our Experimental parents have that rating because we don't have enough years of field data on them to back them with that absolute guarantee. Many of our newer-generation Experimental plants are re-classed as guaranteed when we have enough data.

3/3 Marines

We sell these because we feel they are low-risk and well worth trying.They are not guaranteed against Eastern Filbert Blight (EFB), even though most have proven EFB-resistant or -'tolerant'. These are seedlings from plants in our breeding projects which have superior nut characteristics but also some known or possible susceptibility to EFB. They are never from plants that are severely affected by the disease.

We believe that having some EFB in your planting is highly desirable. It gives the bugs and microbes that attack EFB somewhere to live, among other things. We currently recommend any large planting consist of approximately 30% Experimentals. For smaller plantings, if you are seriously interested in establishing your own hazel fields for nut production, you should consider some of these for the increased genetic diversity and for the excellent chance that some of these will be very superior producers. We plant thousands of these ourselves!

To Order Experimental Hybrid Hazels

Specify 'experimental' on the line item in your order form, and add an 'E' to the beginning of the product code. All size classes are available, in both standard and Select. Machine Picked material is currently all 'Experimental'. Availability is usually better for Experimental material than Guaranteed, because these are seedlings from our newer, larger plantings, with more seed to work with. Prices are exactly the same as for the corresponding class of our Standard Guaranteed and SelectEFB Resistant Hybrids.

The product code designation for Experimental material is an 'E' before the rest: M-Haz is medium, EM-Haz is Experimental Medium, EM-S-Haz is Experimental Medium Select.

3.3 Naruto

Hazel Seed Nuts

No longer shipping seed for the 2014-15 season; now taking orders for seed from the 2015 harvest

For the first time in over 20 years, we're offering hazelnuts for seed. If you've got the facilities to put these nuts through stratification, and can get them going while providing effective protection against the massive array of nut eating pests, these could work for you.

That said, please read why we haven't sold seed for the past twenty years! There are really a lot of things that regularly go wrong; mostly they get eaten by mice.

Seed nuts are currently:

  • -Only available as 'Standard' genetics. Most likely to be Machine-Picked, Medium or Large.
  • -Must be ordered by November 15.
  • -Shipped in late November, without having been given cold hours. We keep seed from drying out hard after harvest, so they will not have entered deep (years-long) dormancy. You will still need to keep them moist and cool in order to allow germination in the spring.
  • -Not guaranteed to germinate, since we cannot control your storage conditions over the winter.
  • -Not shipped at any other time of year, since our facilities get the nuts germinating in February, when it is too cold to ship actively germinating seed.
  • -Subject to the same quarantines as the plants.

Seed is sold on a 'viable at shipping' basis. If you order 100 nuts, we will send you enough nuts that you will get at least 100 that are alive when we ship them. If they are treated well over the winter, you could expect 60%-80% of these to germinate.

SD-Haz Standard Hazel Seed1–100: $2.00 ea
101–1,000: $1.75 ea >1,000: $1.50 ea

For shipping information, order terms, bare-root dormant options, and to place your order, please click here to visit our ordering details page.

Badgersett Research Corporation, 18606 Deer Road, Canton, MN 55922
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